For some time AFRM has been working on developing a fresh and contemporary new-look website that seamlessly incorporates communications with our stakeholders.
We hope you will agree the new home page and website is not only better looking than the old site but is also easier to navigate and information is easier to find.
The new site has some extremely useful videos which simply and succinctly explain our risk advice process.
It also includes testimonials in which clients provide personal accounts of how AFRM services helped them through some of the most challenging times in their lives.
There is also a News Archive featuring copies of all of our Client, Referral Partner and Special Communiques over the past two years, along with an archive of our published Client Case Studies.

We encourage you to share them with your clients ‒ or anyone else who you believe may benefit.
Our new web platform makes sharing case studies or newsletters easy. All you need to do is click on the “three dot menu” icon at the top right of the of the story to share it using either Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or simply copy the page URL to share via an email or text message.
Alternatively, each newsletter or client case study has its own unique URL; so you can do the “old fashioned” method of simply copying the URL to then paste into an email for the recipient to click on to access it.

No doubt you have also noticed a new look to this month's newsletter.
That is because this newsletter is the first using our new web and marketing communications platform linked to AFRM's new News Archive.
This archive will become the repository of all past and future communications with our Clients and Referral Partners, including new client case studies that demonstrate how AFRM's services make real and positive differences in our clients lives.
Again, please take a moment to visit the site and familiarise yourself with the content.
We hope you find it useful.
Rob Vitnell Acting Managing Director AFRM