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Special Communique - 30 March 2022

Rob Vitnell
AFRM celebrates 25th anniversary of helping people when they need it most

I am immensely proud of the entire AFRM team this week as we celebrate our 25th anniversary of helping clients when they need it most.

AFRM was founded in 1997 upon a simple premise: help people protect their futures; today.

While we provide financial risk management advice, with insurance being the primary remedial tool, we set ourselves apart from other advice practices by providing claims management as a core service to our clients at no additional charge.

AFRM co-founder, Nicholas Hatherly, used to drum it into our heads that our job was simple ‒ help people, then go help more people and that is what we have done.

Our mission is to protect people from financial hardship when things go wrong and put simply; good risk management advice at the outset leads to good claims outcomes. That’s why our client relationships endure for the long-term. We partner with our clients for life.

Our role is to be an advocate for our clients and, when necessary, hold insurers to account to ensure our clients achieve the full and correct claim benefit to which they are entitled.

We step in on behalf of our clients and manage the entire claim process, taking that stress away, so ideally, they can simply focus on rehabilitation and getting well again.

Our aim is to provide our clients with the best possible claims experience during what can be the most emotionally, intellectually and physically challenging time in their lives.

I am confident that over the next three years AFRM will surpass the $300m mark in claims paid to our clients. That equates to $12 million in client claims paid in every year of AFRM’s operation.

To date, AFRM has achieved a client claims paid total in excess of $235 million. That total relates to 760 separate claims filed on behalf of 545 individual clients over the past almost 25 years.

Since stepping into the role of Managing Director of AFRM in mid-2020, I have made no secret of the fact that I have a 20-year strategic plan to build this business, through strategic referral partnerships as a niche risk specialist and professional outsourced service provider.

However, we will always continue to have a passion for standing by our clients when they need us most ‒ at claim time.

In fact, this month (March 2022) we achieved the largest single Trauma Insurance claim on behalf of one of our clients ever – a $2.9m benefit payment. It was a proud day for our entire team.

This culture is deeply embedded within AFRM. Collectively, the AFRM Leadership Team has 65 years’ experience working at AFRM, and many of our team members have served with us for well more than a decade.

Again, the entire AFRM team is proud of the fact that we have achieved more than $235 million in claims paid to our clients.

We really do believe our mission is to protect people from financial hardship when things go wrong. And put simply, good advice leads to good claims outcomes.

That is AFRM’s customer value proposition and our commitment to you.


Rob Vitnell

AFRM Managing Director


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